Sunday, December 21, 2014

Jokes for the Holidays!

Every morning, for the last few weeks, I told a holiday joke during our morning meeting. The kids were hoping to spread the laughter over break, so here are a few ones to share:

Q. How is the Christmas alphabet different than the ordinary alphabet?
A. The Christmas alphabet has NO EL.

Q. What goes red, white, red, white, red, white?
A. Santa rolling down a hill.

Q. Where does Santa go to work out?
A. A chimnasium.

Q. What goes Oh! Oh! Oh!
A. Santa walking backwards.

Q. What do you call an old snowman?
A. Water!

Q. What do you call Santa Claus when he doesn't move?
A. Santa Pause.

Q. Name a child's favorite Christmas king.
A. A stocking.

I hope you all have a wonderful break with your family! I will see you back on Jan. 5th, 2015!