Friday, November 21, 2014

We Are Thankful!

Today the students wrote about what they are thankful for and hopefully the papers made it home! The kids have so much to be thankful for during this holiday season. Here are some snippets of their writing:

I am thankful for...

- My grandpa because he helps me with my homework.
- My dollhouse because when I get bored, I can play with it.
- My mom because she hugs my all the time.
- My sister because she is funny and kind.
- Mrs. Taylor because she is awesome. (bonus points for that one!)
- The power to imagine.
- My mom because she hangs my clothes.
- My house because it keeps me warm.
- My grandma, she is a good worker.
- My parents because when I wanted Pokémon cards at Walmart, they bought them for me!
- My mom because she is kind.
- My dog and my brother.
- My dog because he sleeps on my pillow every night.
- A blanket because it keeps me warm at night.
- Sunnyside School because they give us recess and lunch everyday.
- My Grandma because she is 53 and she is slow and when I am behind her I have to be patient.
- My sister because she reads to me.
- My family because they love me.
- My friends because they are nice to me.
- My food, house, bed, school, and aunt. If I didn't have these things I wouldn't be here or come out right or be smart. I am thankful for having life!

I am so thankful for all of your children! What an amazing group of kids and what a fun glimpse into their lives and what they value. Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Classroom Elections

This week, in our social studies unit time, we discussed elections and voting procedures. We read three stories in class:

Duck for President
by Dorin Cronin

Grace for President
by Kelly DiPucchio

My Teacher for President
by Kay Winters

Then the kids voted for who they think would make the best president: Duck, Grace, or their teacher. We had a voting station set up in the back of the room where they turned in their voter registration card and cast their ballot.

Then we tallied the results as a class to see who the winner would be! The winner was..... THEIR TEACHER!
After we tallied the results, the kids graphed the results of the election.